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Newton's Laws of Motion Sickness

Image by Daquella maneraRecently discovered in the Royal Society archives in London is a letter attributed to Sir Isaac Newton, in which he outlines three laws of motion sickness. Here they are.

First Law of Motion Sickness: the contents of a stomach will remain at rest unless there is an inconsistency between the motion sensed with the eyes and the motion otherwise sensed.

Second Law of Motion Sickness: the more dramatic and unpredictably changeable the conflict between what is seen and what is felt (see law 1), the shorter the delay between the sense of conflict and the movement of stomach contents and to some extent the vigour with which the contents of the stomach will tend to move. 

Third Law of Motion Sickness: the rate of movement of the stomach content as it leaves the stomach is proportional to the rate of movement of other people away from the stomach content. The movement of other’s near the ejection of stomach content is also proportional to the volume of stomach content and inversely proportional to the size of the vehicle. 

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