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It makes more sense once you see it

Half-way through a 'Great Big Science Gig' tour, it's been great to have a day or so to catch my breath. After playing at 'Market of the Mind' on Friday night and brunching with Chris Smith from The Naked Scientists on Saturday morning, I woke this morning to read a really nice review by MarissaJade on Fasterlouder.com.au. Marrissa had been at our gig at The Front in Canberra last Thursday, which was loads of fun. You can read the whole review here.

When you tell someone that you're doing a science rock show, or science cabaret, most people are - understandably - bemused, confused or simply tuning out of the conversation. Reading Marissa's review confirmed again that it's not as silly as it sounds. As I often tell people, it makes more sense once you see it.

We're off to Burnie next, then UTS in Sydney, then the Gold Coast.

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